Are Your New Year Resolutions Headed for Failure?

goals resolutions Dec 20, 2018

I love the New Year holiday! It brings with it a fresh start, a new beginning, the turning over of a new leaf. It feels as if we are starting over with a clean slate. Out with the "old" and in with the "new".

Perhaps that's why so many are compelled to make New Year Resolutions, in spite of the fact that most of those resolutions are destined to fail. If you are a resolution setter, I don't mean to rain on your parade. And please "don't shoot the messenger," I read about it on Wikipedia:

A study in 2007 by Richard Wisemen from the University of Bristol showed that 88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail. --Wikipedia

So, if you are one of the 12% that can make your resolution happen...Congratulations! My guess is that you've figured out what needs to be in place to carry your resolution through to completion. You've "cracked the code." And that's not an easy thing to do.

If you happen to be one of the 88% (or if you're not sure which side you're on) ...I've got good news. I'm going to tell you about "the code" so that you're not left to "crack it" on your own.

If you know some of the reasons for failure, you'll be able to adjust your resolution plan for success.

Some of the reasons for failure are:

Not Enough Clarity- You're not specific enough about what you want to achieve and more importantly "WHY" you want to achieve it. Remember...your motivation comes from your "why".

No Plan- You have no real plan in place. Just a desire to end up at a certain destination. Imagine if you were to try this very same thing by driving across the country without a map.

No Action- You don't have planned action steps. Basically, you have a "wish list" and not  a goal.

No Management or Control System in place- You don't have a way to measure your progress, track your results and monitor your journey.

No Support of Other People- You don't have the support of others to help you with guidance, accountability, outside observation, resources and encouragement.

Where are the holes in your plan? Which of these things do you need to put in place to insure your success? The more of these things you get in place, the more successful you will be in achieving your goal.

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