True You Today - Member Program

It is for you if... you would like guidance and support to findĀ Clarity and Direction toĀ Move Forward throughĀ Change, Loss, and Adversity to Get the Life You Want.

You will be guidedĀ toĀ Design Your Future, Honor Your Past, and Be Fully Present for TODAY, so you can find Fulfillment, Purpose, and Meaning (regardless of the life circumstancesĀ you've experienced).Ā 

TRUE YOU TodayĀ is a blend of coaching support, workshops, online course, community and accountability - all wrapped up in a virtual membership program and supported by Certified Life Coach, Lori Bonaparte, ICF-ACC

Come join us!

Learning Center

Learn how to: Design Your Future, Honor Your Past, and Be Fully Present TODAY

Empower Yourself to Know What You Want & Get the Life You Desire

Community Connections

You are NOT alone! Share your Journey with others and:

Move Forward. Stronger. Together.

Coaching Support

Member Workshops, Accountability Center, and All Your Questions Answered by Certified Life Coach, Lori Bonaparte

Take Action with Confidence

Imagine, knowing EXACTLY what you want in your life, being confident in who you are RIGHT NOW, and finding more PURPOSEĀ and MEANINGĀ with each passing day, regardless of the change, loss, and adversity you've experienced.

  • At one time you knew what you wanted, or at least you thought you did. And now that life is different, you find yourself without a clear roadmap for whatā€™s next.
  • Itā€™s hard to move forward to the life you desire when you donā€™t really know what it is that you desireā€¦now that life has changed.
  • You are asking yourself the question, ā€œWho am I NOW apart from that person or situation that is no longer there?ā€
  • If you listen closely, you can hear the TRUE YOU inside whispering - ā€œI want to feel like myself again.ā€
  • The after affects of change, loss, and adversity have a way of moving into ALL areas of life, leading to increased emotional chaos and uncertainty.

What you really want is...

to KNOW what you really want for your life AND to move toward it with Clarity, Direction, Confidence and Purpose.  


I can help you by guiding you through a proven process made up of a specific series of questions that will lead you to the answers that are already inside you. Once you've gone through the process, you will have clear answers to the questions of: What's NEXT for me? Who am I NOW? Where do I start?

A Personal Message from Lori...

I created True You Today because I like to share what I’ve learned to successfully move forward after loss, in hopes that you will find the wisdom and direction needed to apply within your own life, in order to make your journey easier.

I am still a lover of life, even though I’ve had extensive experience with loss, which started at 4 years of age when my father died. My journey has been filled with numerous personal losses - the death of my daughter, my husband, my parents, my brother and other loved ones. I’ve also gone through other types of personal losses including divorce, empty nest and life adversities that were a drastic departure from what most people would consider “normal.”

I’m a Certified Life Coach with the International Coaching Federation, ICF-ACC (helping people find what they want in life and get it) and a Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP Practitioner (addressing subconscious thought patterns that affect habits and choices). I am a life-long learner and continue to train, study and read in order to update my knowledge and keep my certifications current.

I am confident in saying, I truly understand the impact of loss. The powerful combination of my life-long experiences with numerous personal losses, as well as my extensive, on-going training in Life Coaching and Neuro Linguistic Programming has allowed me to become an expert on Moving Forward After Loss.

A Personal Message from Lori...

I created True You Today because I like to share what Iā€™ve learned to successfully move forward afterĀ change, loss, and adversity, in hopes that you will find the wisdom and direction needed to apply within your own life, in order to make your journey easier.

I am still a lover of life, even though Iā€™ve had extensive experience with adversity and loss, which started at 4 years of age when my father died. My journey has been filled with manyĀ personal losses - the death of my daughter, my husband, my parents, my brother and other loved ones. Iā€™ve also gone through other types of personal adversityĀ including divorce, empty nest and life adversities that were a drastic departure from what most peopleĀ would consider ā€œnormal.ā€

Iā€™m a Certified Life Coach with the International Coaching Federation, ICF-ACC (helping people find what they want in life and get it) and a Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP Practitioner (addressing subconscious thought patterns that affect habits and choices). I am a life-long learner and continue to train, study and read in order to update my knowledge and stay current on my certifications.

I am confident in saying, I truly understand the impact that change, loss, and adversity can have on our lives. The powerful combination of my life-long experiences, as well as my extensive, on-going training in Life Coaching and Neuro Linguistic Programming has allowed me to become a specialist on Moving Forward to get the life you want.

And I'd like to share that with you!

Here's What's Inside the True You Today Membership Program...

Here's What's Inside the True You Today Membership Program..

Here's Exactly What You'll Get...

  • To help you answer the question of "Where do I start?" - Immediately, you'll have access to 7 Daily On-demand Video Lessons and accompanying Worksheets that will help you learn to Be More Fully Present, all within the first 7 days of the program. This includes detailed teachings about setting intentions and reflection questions within the 4 energetic aspects of: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. These are specifically designed to help youĀ discover new levels of awareness for yourself.
  • On-Demand "Active Workshops" with videos and worksheets to walk you through the Great 8 Areas of Lifeā„¢ and show you step-by-step how to Design Your Future. I call these "Active Workshops" because you are actually going through the worksheets AS you listen to them. So when you are finished with the video, you are finished with the work. We do it together! (In this No Overwhelm System, access to the Design Your Future section is granted on Day 8).
  • On-Demand Guided Lessons and Worksheets on: Releasing, Reframing, Remembering and Lessons Learned, to show you how to Honor Your Past AND move forward - at the same time. (Access to the Honor Your Past section is granted on Day 30)
  • Interactive Monthly Member Workshops, led by Lori Bonaparte
  • Immediate access to previously recorded Monthly Member Workshops
  • Immediately, you'll have access to our private community within the members area, called Community Connections. In it, you'll be able to share your journey, ask questions and connect with like-minded others.
  • The Action & Accountability Center goes hand in hand with the Design Your Future section. In this area of the private community, you'll be able to declare your future intentions for the week or the month and get support and encouragement to help you stay on track with your Desired Outcomes.Ā 
  • In multiple areas of the program, you'll be able to get your unique questions personally answered by Certified Life Coach and Moving Forward Specialist, Lori BonaparteĀ 
  • šŸŽ And as a BONUS: You'll have immediate access to my Hawaii Guided Visualization Video. For those times when all you want to do is press the play button and let your subconscious work through things while you relax...Aloha!
  • šŸŽ Additional BONUS: You'll have access to recommended resources, specifically for those Moving Forward through Change, Loss, and AdversityĀ 
Start Today for Just $7


~ Founding Member Offer ~

I've arranged for you to get a 7 Day Trial which includes: 7 days of on-demand guided video lessons, monthly member workshops, as well as support and connection in our private Community Connections area.

And the good news is: your investment for the 7 day trial is only a little bit of your time to answer the questions that will lead you to the life you want AND just $7 for 7 days, and then...

After your 7 day trial is over, you will be billed the Introductory Founding Member price of just $57 $47 a month.

The regular price of membership is $57 a month, but since I've just opened the doors and I'm trying to get this out to as many people as possible, I'm offering it at a substantial discount for a very limited time.

As long as you're seeing this Founding Member Offer, you can take advantage of this discount. Once you join, your price will never go up (unless you cancel and rejoin at a later time).

There's NO long commitment. If you don't love it, you can cancel anytime from your member dashboard and you won't be billed again.

If you're tired of the uncertainty of not knowing what's next for you and you're ready to get clarity and direction to move forward, here's what I want you to do...

Click the button below and let's get started today.

Start Today for Just $7

I just completed the 7 Day Guided Lessons at the beginning of the program and WOW! 

When I first started, I was really in a place of complacency and deep in brain fog.  I struggled to even find the words to describe my feelings and to decide what intentions to set for the day.  But with each day, those words and intentions became easier to find.  These daily lessons helped to awaken me from my fog. 

Because I had looked ahead in the program, I knew that I was going to be thinking of some longer-term goals for myself, yet, because I was so clouded, I couldn't even come up with any ideas for myself!  That is, until Day 7. 

On Day 7, I had a breakthrough - an epiphany - and remembered a goal that I had previously had, but lost sight of.  I knew this was the long-term goal that I really wanted to focus on. 

So, if you find yourself at the start of this program and are wondering if it's working or if it will really take you anywhere, stick with it - it works in a perfect, almost divine, way to help you organize your thoughts, feelings and ultimately, your life, so that you can become the best True You! 

I'm so excited for the next part of this journey!

Mattye V.,  True You Today Member

Click the Play Button to Take a Peek šŸ‘€ Inside...

Get Started Today

It's Time to Unlock
YOUR Answers to the
3 Big Questions of Change, Loss, and Adversity:

What's NEXT for Me?
Who am I NOW?
Where do I Start?

I can help you find YOUR answers. I'll be your personal guide through the
questions that will lead you to the answers that are already inside you...

I've faced those questions at many crossroads in my life and I've continually
found my way back to a happy life of Fulfillment, Purpose, and Meaning.Ā 

And YOU can, too!

Please join me!

I'm Ready for Answers!

It's Time to Unlock
YOUR Answers to the 3 Big Questions of Loss:

What's NEXT for Me?
Who am I NOW?
Where do I Start?

I can help you find YOUR answers. I'll be your personal guide through the questions that will lead you to the answers that are already inside you...the True You.

I've faced those questions at many crossroads in my life and I've continually found my way back to a happy life of Fulfillment, Purpose, and Meaning. 

And YOU can, too!

Please join me!

I'm Ready for Answers!

Start Today for Just

$7 for 7 days, then $47 a month